正值中國農曆新年之際,且不論受災各省的災民,大批等待回家過年的民工滯留在各大火車站,正面臨各種危機。 可耻的某些中國人,眼看國人身處困境之中,他們不但沒有伸出援手,還趁火打劫。
The following pictures are relayed from www.bbc.com.
Copyright by BBC.COM
In pictures: China weather chaos
original link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7213852.stm
China is facing transport chaos and power shortages after heavy snowfalls - in some places the worst for 50 years.
Roads have been blocked and airports closed, while power rationing has been introduced in 17 provinces as soaring demand depletes coal stockpiles.
The cold snap has come as hundreds of millions of people are trying to travel to their home provinces to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
Many trains are stationary because of power cuts and blocked tracks...
...leaving more than 100,000 people stranded at railway stations.
This car showroom is among 100,000 buildings that have collapsed. Another 400,000 have been damaged, state media reports.
More than 20 people have died in the cold spell since 10 January, and many more are thought to have died in accidents on the icy roads.
Economic losses from the severe weather are estimated at some 18.2 billion yuan (US$2.5 billion, £1.7 billion), officials say.
Fourteen of China's 31 provinces have been hit, with nearly 80 million people directly affected.
With more snow forecast, the misery looks set to continue.
original link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7215183.stm
Chris Pert took what should have been a 12-hour bus ride from Wuhan to Guangzhou. The chaos caused by the weather meant the journey ended up taking four days.
"The major delay was a crash involving 10 lorries on the Linzhu highway. We sat on this bus for three days."
"Conditions were disgusting for many of us. The road was littered with rubbish and one toilet serviced our stretch of the highway. These pigs remained in this truck for all that time."
"The jam was an opportunity for some. People started bringing round supplies such as food and water and selling at an extortionate rate."
"The people we were on the bus with managed to keep their spirits up even though our group found it extremely difficult."
"I feel very aggrieved at the lack of help provided by the government for those stuck in these freezing conditions. We finally got to Guangzhou but it's even worse for people here."
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